Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wedding Day

We were married in Paul's brothers front yard. The Justice of the Peace did a really nice job. It was so funny when he was asking Paul if he took me as his wife Paul's mom (pictured with all of us on the last photo) blurts out "Are you sure Paul? You better be!!!" If I wasn't so nervous I would have busted out laughing. I was also really happy that Sariah could come. I haven't seen her for 2 years and we got to catch up a little. All in all in was a VERY happy day, I couldn't have asked for more. I will be posting more pictures when Sariah sends me a disk.


hollyb said...

Congratulations!! Love you.

Melanie said...

Congrats! Everything seemed like it worked out perfectly for you! Sorry we weren't there. Love you all!

heidi said...

Looks like it was a really nice day. I'm glad everything went well and that Sariah was able to come down. She looks so grown up. I bet it was fun for her to see the kids. Congratulations!