Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Ok I am very excited because I just got my LAST assignment back for the term and I am now officially done with one term. I just have 3 more to go!!! I am so stinking excited and I have nobody to share it with right at the present...I just texted Paul and told him but I don't think the librarian would really care or appreciate it if I start jumping up and down. Now I can come home for Thanksgiving and not stress about school work. HOORAY!!


Melanie said...

Yeah!!! I love that feeling! Congratulations!

Melanie said...

And...about my ramblings. Don't you remember my journal when I was 10 and you all were mean to me and I said "it feels like my heart has been ripped out and thrown against the walls of my soul". I'm just good with words!! ;)

Paul and Jennifer Gurule said...

We always said that you should be an actress!! I remember how dramatic you would make things so that mom would feel sorry for you.