Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Licking the Bowl

Do you remember when your mom let you lick the bowl or the spatula after she had baked a cake or cookies? Yummy!! Halle has discovered this little treat as well. I baked a red velvet cake and she couldn't even wait until it was done so I let her lick the spatula. It took a while to clean her face due to all the red food coloring in the batter. Ah to be young again!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day

Ok, I cried when each one of the kids went to kindergarten. And I know that I will bawl when Halle goes to kindergarten because she is my last, but today I was doing cartwheels and somersaults when the boys left for school today. They were all decked out in their new clothes, shoes, and backpacks. We went to Vegas on Saturday and they had a BLAST picking out all their new things. Paul and I were not so happy as it set us back a few hundred dollars!!! Here is a picture of the elementary/middle school. I will be posting pictures of the boys in their new duds.

Friday, August 22, 2008

CSI: Miami

Ok, ok. I am addicted. I record on DVR all the old episodes on A&E and the new ones on ABC. I didn't realize how much it affected the kids until Halle and Jacob were playing in her room and I heard Halle say: "I found the body under the bed." I asked them what the heck they were doing and they tell me they are playing CSI: Miami. I guess it could be worse.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I am Sloopy Pottynose

Here is a fun little experiment I used as a time killer for high school students. They loved it!

The following is excerpted from a children's book. Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants. The evil professor forces everyone to assume new names. So:

1. Use the 3rd letter of your first name to determine your new first name:
a=snickle b=doombah c=goober d=cheesey e=crusty f=greasy g=dumbo h=farcus i=dorky j=doofus k=funky l=boobie m=sleezy n=sloopy o=fluffy p=stinky q=slimy r=dorfus s=snooty t=tootsie u=dipsy v=sleezy w=liver x=skippy y=dinky z=zippy

2.Use the 2nd letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
a=dippin b=feather c=batty d=burger e=chicken f=barffy g=lizard h=waffle i=farlke j=monkey k=flippin l=fricken m=bubble n=rhino o=potty p=hamster q=buckle r=gizzard s=licken t=snickle u=chuckle v=pickle w=hubble x=dingle y=gorilla z=girdle

3.Use the 3rd letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
a=butt b=boob c=face d=nose e=hump f=breath g=pants h=shorts i=lips j=honker k=head l=tush m=chunks n=dunkin o=brains p=biscuits q=toes r=doodle s=fanny t=sniffer u=sprinkles v=frack w=squirt x=humperdinck y=hiney z=juice

Have fun and let me know what your new name is!

More Halle-isms

Halle informed me yesterday (as I was yelling at the kids to do their chores or else they were grounded for life) that I needed to "Calm down, breathe, and quit yelling mommy!!"

I asked her yesterday where she got all her energy from. She has stopped taking naps unless she is REALLY tired and she told me that she got it from the cops! I tell you this girl is CRAZY!!

This is how I am feeling right now!! I can't wait until school starts!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


A few days ago I was reading on my sister Heidi's blog about sometimes as mothers we don't take time to notice the little things that happen everyday with our children. I can't begin to say how true that is. While I love each and every one of my children with all my heart, there is just something about my little girl that makes me smile everytime you mention her name. I don't know if it from having all boys, that having this little girl is a breath of fresh air. Don't get me wrong she is a little spit fire and has a mind of her very own, at her tender age of 3. I decided to share some of her little sayings with you, which I call "Halle-isms." I hope you get as big of a kick out of these as Paul and I did.

1. One of Halle's favorite cartoons is Ni Hoa Kai Lan it is about a little Chinese girl and her friends. We were in Vegas at Applebees and a rather pretty Asian girl is our hostess and greets us as we walk in. Halle grabs her shirt and tugs on it and says, "Did you know I can speak Chinese too?" Ok the hostess was gracious and didn't say anything but she probably wasn't even Chinese.

2. That same day, mind you, we were at an appointment for Paul's daughter. The office was soooooo busy there were tons of people. Halle was getting bored and a little fussy. I started showing her pictures in magazines and making up stories. She grabs a "Self" magazine with a drop dead gorgeous model with a body to die for. Halle announces (rather loudly) "DANG!! This girl is UGLY!!" Ok, so much for lessons in manners. I wanted to crawl under the chair and hide.

3. At Ben and Jacob's spring choir concert Halle and I were sitting below some kids from the junior high. There was this boy that smelled like he hadn't taken a shower for at least a month. Imagine the smell of B.O., rotten sneakers, and dirty laundry, mixed in with whatever they had for dinner that night. Halle kept whispering to me "Mommy let's go, that boy stinks!" I kept trying to divert her attention, because I couldn't move until the boys had sang. Well finally my beautiful daughter had had enough. She got off my lap, turned around, and yelled, yes yelled to this poor 6th grader, "YOU STINK!! GO HOME AND TAKE A BATH!" And of course she had to add her gagging and choking sounds! Oh, man I wished I was invisible that day.

Monday, August 11, 2008

"I'm Wiggly Mommy"

Last night Halle started to run a fever. I gave her some Tylenol and she fell asleep. This morning when she woke up, she was throwing up. I ran her a bath and as she was getting in the tub she told me that she felt all wiggly. So I'm thinking that is her description of dizzy. It was too cute, but the poor thing has the stomach flu!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Ok, I need some help!! If any of you know a good website to order invitations I would LOVE to know. With the kids being back and me trying to balance my time between them and school, I am letting the wedding planning slip a little. I need something sweet and simple, nothing too fancy but if anyone has any suggestions, I NEED THEM!