Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We got a new puppy

I know I am crazy but we got a dog! I swear it is like having a newborn. The house that we live in has a doggie door and he has learned how to go in and out....just not when he's supposed too. He is half pug and half chihuha. The kids love him and I'm stuck taking care of him!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just checking in

Ok, ok, I know I haven't posted FOREVER. I went back to work last week and I have so busy I haven't even had to breathe, let alone post. My lovely little daughter is paying me back for all the terrible things that I did to my mother. Like the time I embarassed her and told everyone in primary that she was 30. She has never let me forget that and I don't think she ever will. Well, my little darling told her babysitter that I didn't have a uterus anymore! I wanted to crawl under the rug and hide. Everyone she strikes up a conversation with she asks them if they have a uterus. Then she proceeds to tell them that I had mine taken out and that she still has hers because they are her baby parts. How horrifying! Anyway you gotta love 'em.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2009 Great Basin Basketball Champions

The Beatty Hornets won their conference championship on Saturday, February 21. Here is the coach of the year...my very talented (not to mention HOT) husband. Paul is very patient with those junior high boys. We were sooo excited because Beatty hasn't brought home a championship trophy for more than 5 years!! I am very proud of Joseph also. He is a good ball player and for not ever played basketball I have been impressed. He has improved so much. I will have some more pictures with the boys and the trophy later on. WAY TO GO HORNETS!!

Friday, February 13, 2009


Ok, I really don't know what to blog about other than I am EXTREMELY bored. I am soooo tired of being tired and not feeling like doing anything. We are wrapping up basketball season...thank goodness!! We went to Mountain View last night. It is a private, christian school in Las Vegas, and poor boys got spanked! It was a 53-11 loss. We go to Death Valley for a tournament this Saturday so hopefully they can end the year with a couple of wins. Other than that, well I am just bored....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Didn't Fall Off the Face of the Earth!

Greetings everyone. No, I didn't fall off the face of the Earth...I am recovering from my hysterectomy. I have my bad days and good days. I am getting anxious to get out and do things but my body just won't let me. I am really tired and cranky...ask Joseph!

Speaking of my pre-teen son (only for 2 more weeks) he is growing his hair out (YIKES) and has started using my straightener. He is so weird! He is an AWESOME basketball player. He is the best defensive player that their team has. We shot a video of last night's game so we will be sending it to mom and dad. The other two boys are doing good. Jacob has had bronchitis, which has been going around here, and he was home for two days. Ben is staying after school on Thursdays for his technology class. His teacher has a group of students that are excelling in academics stay after school and do technology projects. One day I drove him all around town taking pictures with the digital camera for one of his projects. Halle...well I don't need to say anymore she is just crazy! LOL!!

Paul is doing well and I guess you could say for the most part I am too. I haven't blogged for awhile so I thought I would post something to let everyone know that we are still here! =)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

First trip to the dentist

Halle went to the dentist today to have a pulpotomy. Thats what they call a root canal for little kids. She was soooo brave I was more nervous than her when she got the shot...she didn't even cry! I don't think she is related to me cuz I am a major wimp when it comes to pain (just ask my mom) and she has such a high tolerance for it. Now after my surgery, she will have those four front teeth done. Anyway, I had to brag about how great my little girl did today.

Monday, January 5, 2009

In Search of Diego...

Ok I am on a quest to find some fleece material with Diego on it. Halle is begging me for a Diego blanket. If anyone finds material can you PLEASE get me some and I will pay you for it. I am still learning my way around Vegas and I have yet to run into a material store. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Happy 30th birthday Melanie! Sorry it's late...your ditsy sister isn't on top of her game. Does it feel any different now that you are 30? We love you.
~*Paul, Jenn, & Kids~*