Greetings everyone. No, I didn't fall off the face of the Earth...I am recovering from my hysterectomy. I have my bad days and good days. I am getting anxious to get out and do things but my body just won't let me. I am really tired and cranky...ask Joseph!
Speaking of my pre-teen son (only for 2 more weeks) he is growing his hair out (YIKES) and has started using my straightener. He is so weird! He is an AWESOME basketball player. He is the best defensive player that their team has. We shot a video of last night's game so we will be sending it to mom and dad. The other two boys are doing good. Jacob has had bronchitis, which has been going around here, and he was home for two days. Ben is staying after school on Thursdays for his technology class. His teacher has a group of students that are excelling in academics stay after school and do technology projects. One day I drove him all around town taking pictures with the digital camera for one of his projects. Halle...well I don't need to say anymore she is just crazy! LOL!!
Paul is doing well and I guess you could say for the most part I am too. I haven't blogged for awhile so I thought I would post something to let everyone know that we are still here! =)